"There is only one solution to the world’s problems, only one prescription for producing a near-heaven on earth. It is 3,000 years old. And it is known as the Ten Commandments. Properly understood and applied, the Ten Commandments are really all humanity needs to make a beautiful world. While modern men and women, in their hubris, believe that they can and must come up with new ideas to make a good world, the truth is there is almost nothing new to say. If people and countries lived by the Ten Commandments, all the great moral problems would disappear."
Read more at http://joeforamerica.com/2013/08/solution-worlds-problems/#ImZkYcFTX1xxeE1f.99
Lying on a grand scale is required by certain vices... I would like to see Sam's thoughts put to the Catholic Church with regard to making up scripture. I am referring to this book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1940051002?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creativeASIN=1940051002&linkCode=xm2&tag=wwwsamharri02-20